Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Und ve hav a PLAN

"We have a plan in place to start moving you out of the untenable situation of the present mega-sites into community halls with a view to returning you to localities."

"There were originally about 20 000 affected people. We're down to just over 14 000 now," Petersen said.

"The UNHCR has provided us with the planning tools and our aim is to reduce the numbers as quickly as we can. Everybody should understand that the government has a plan," Petersen said.

Teams of mediators had worked flat out to get displaced victims into their communities and would deal with Khayelitsha today, she said.

Amazing - it's all about the numbers and the "impression" we are creating! How long are the mediators going to be there? What about tomorrow, next week, maybe next month when the xenophobic perpetrators get home from prison.... it will come back.... The plan only deals with getting the illegal immigrants back home, it does not deal with what caused them to flee now does it? In only treating the symptoms instead of the root causes the government has only set the stage for more tears.

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